Let's talk about something we all do more often than we'd like to admit — WhatsApp video calls.
Especially for those of us who live miles and miles away from our parents (approximately 9000 miles in my case), these calls are practically a daily ritual.
But hold on a second, WhatsApp — we need to have a little chat. Every time I want to add someone to a call, I have to embark on a name-searching adventure. It's like playing virtual hide-and-seek but with contact names.

Instead, what if WhatsApp added a "Frequently Contacted" section to make our lives easier? Imagine being able to simply select the contacts you talk to most often without the stress of accidentally inviting your pizza delivery guy to a family reunion! Would be a tad bit more convenient, wouldn’t it WhatsApp?
Update: This feature has since been added - thank you WhatsApp!