B2B, B2C, SaaS
I worked as a Product Designer at THZN Studios, a design agency based in Toronto. During my time there, I was assigned to one major client, CrowdPass, an event management platform for event hosts and attendees.
Product Designer
Figma, Jira, Notion

Business Goals
During my time working for CrowdPass, I worked over 10 design tickets across their website and mobile app. After a discussion with the co-founder and software engineer lead of CrowdPass, we established 3 major goals.
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Create New Features
The current desktop & mobile app had limited features so CrowdPass wanted to create additional features to increase user engagement and satisfaction.
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Fill in Gaps + Redesigning
CrowdPass had various existing gaps and inconsistent designs in user flows and so another major goal was to provide a holistic user experience.
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Enhance User Interface
CrowdPass also wanted to update their brand guidelines and enhance their user interface to attract new clients and increase business sales.
We had weekly sprint meetings to discuss updates on previous tickets and new tickets for the week.

Fill in Gaps + Redesigning
I worked on various tickets under thus business goal. One significant ticket I worked on was creating an email template that users would receive for the confirmation of an event ticket purchase.
Redesigning the Email Template
Old Template
New Template

Enhancing the Current UI
While Crowdpass has a design system, the components were outdated and didn’t reflect their brand identity. I built on their existing design system and helped re-designing their current marketing website as well as a template for their existing event screens. Additionally, I also created marketing posts for their social media platforms, specifically, for LinkedIn and X (Twitter).